Meillerie: an old fishermen' village
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The village of Meillerie

Meillerie is a Haut-Savoyard village located along the southern shores of Lake Geneva at an average height of 686 metres. Composed of 326 inhabitants, the village has a privileged living environment a

Meillerie: an old fishermen' village

Real historical site in the area, Meillerie is mainly known for being an old fishermen' village, but also of carriers and skippers. One must say that the living environment is perfect for all those activities! The town surrounds Lake Geneva with a gorgeous view on the Riviera of the districts of Vaud and Lavaux! During the 19th century, the village was very lively thanks to the carriers and the ships sailing with various goods for sale, which considerably changed the landscape of Meillerie. Years passed by, yet the remnants of that golden period for this village can still be seen, and the town counts on those to develop its economy.

A development of heritage, places and monuments

As we speak of this, Meillerie continuously develops its heritage. Very proud of its past, the town takes very good care of its harbour from where many boats with Latine sails used leave with the famous stone from Meillerie. A real cultural remnant that the village puts forward to its inhabitants and toursits! Within the town, you can also see the priory and its dependencies, registered to the historical monuments in 1990. The numerous carriers in Meillerie contribute too the turn these natural remnants into unique ones!

A village that is attractive and looked for anew

If the village of Meillerie has known a certain decline in between the two world wars, in terms of visitors, its situation is completely different nowadays. The town goes through a real renewal and its attractiveness is in proportion to the numerous efforts done to embellish the village and propose a dense and diversified cultural programme, in a magnificent environment. Very logically, Meillerie attracts new inhabitants and the population regularly grows through the years lately. Your real estate project takes you there? De Cordier Immobilier guides you in your search for a real estate property in Meillerie and helps you find the house or flat of your dreams!

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